Questions frequently asked by Air Product Reviews users.

Can I use Air Product Reviews for free ?

Yes, you can install and use Air Product Reviews using our Free plan (with most of features are available).

When will I get charged after the trial ends?

You won't get charged right away after your free trial ends. Our app operates on a 30-day billing cycle, which means you'll be billed after 30 days from the end of your free trial. This gives you some additional time to explore the app and ensure it's the right fit for your needs before any charges are applied.

Can I cancel my subscription at anytime?

Yes, you can! At Air Reviews, we believe in giving you flexibility and control over your subscription. You can cancel your subscription at any time, and there will be no charge for the first 14 days after your free trial. We want to ensure that you have the freedom to choose what works best for you.

If I cancel the paid plans, will I lose the features or effects that were available in the higher paid plan?

If you decide to cancel your paid plan and switch to a lower plan, you won't lose any reviews. Your reviews are belonged to you, and it will remain intact. Additionally, you have the option to export all the reviews collected by Air Reviews before downgrading, ensuring a seamless experience.

However, it's important to note that some settings and features associated with the paid plans may become unavailable after the downgrade. For example, certain features like Q&A, Remove Air Reviews branding and Integration may be inactivated, which means you won't be able to continue using or editing these features.

We recommend reviewing the specific details of the plan you're considering to ensure it aligns with your business needs and goals.

How can I collect more reviews from customers?

Air Product Reviews offers various features to help you collect more reviews:

  • Automated review requests: Send email or SMS requests based on order status.

  • Review request widgets: Add request buttons directly to your website or email signature.

  • Import reviews: Import existing reviews from other platforms. (May require additional features)

  • Incentives: Offer discounts or rewards in exchange for reviews. (May require additional features)

Do I need any technical expertise to use Air Product Reviews?

No, Air Product Reviews is designed to be user-friendly for businesses of all technical skill levels. Our platform offers a clear interface and intuitive tools.

Where I can find further support?

Our dedicated team provides round-the-clock technical support to ensure you reach your goals hassle-free. Whether it's troubleshooting, guidance, or custom solutions, we're here every step of the way until you're completely satisfied with your experience!

Just click on the in-app chat icon at the right corner to reach out to our support team in seconds!

Last updated