
Engage with your customers by setting up notification emails in the Air Reviews app. These notifications work as an remind customers to leave a review, update their review with photos, etc.

Who can use this feature?

This feature is available in all plans.

1. Access Notifications Settings

Open the Air Reviews app in your Shopify admin.

Click on ‘Notifications’ to start setting up your email templates.

Observe metrics including: Total emails sent, Emails opened, Emails clicked.

2. Review Reminder Emails

Step 1: Enable the option to send emails after orders are delivered.

Step 2: Edit the email template by clicking the edit icon.

  • Customize the subject, content, button text, and add a logo.

  • Enter custom CSS for styling.

  • Preview the email in both light and dark modes.

  • Add available variables.

  • Send test email.

3. Photo Review Reminder Emails

Step 1: Activate sending emails for reviews submitted without photos.

Step 2: Adjust the template—set the timing, content, and conditions (like star ratings).

  • Add available variables.

  • Send test email.

4. Review Reply Notification

Step 1: Set up to notify customers when you respond to their reviews.

Step 2: Edit the email details such as subject, content, and button text.

  • Customize the appearance with CSS and preview your changes.

Add available variables.

  • Send test email.

5. Confirm Edit Review Email

Step 1: Enable notifications for when you request to edit a review.

Step 2: Customize the email that asks for customer confirmation to edit their review.

  • Adjust the subject, content, and button texts.

  • Add available variables.

  • Send test email.

6. Managing Notifications

Manage all scheduled or sent notifications by navigating to ‘Manage notifications’.

Here you can:

  • Resend emails.

  • Cancel scheduled sends.

  • Check and resolve issues with failed emails.

That’s it! You've now set up various notifications to engage with your customers and manage their reviews effectively.

Last updated