Submit form

Enhancing the look and feel of your review submission form is a great way to encourage more customers to leave feedback. Let’s personalize your submit form with just a few clicks!

Who can use this feature?

This feature is available in all plans.

1. Access Submit Form Settings

Navigate to 'Display Reviews' in your Air Reviews app dashboard.

Click on ‘Setup’ in the Submit Form section.

2. Choose Form Display Style

Choose the preset (style) for submit form.

Popup: Select this to have the submit form appear in a popup window.

Collapsible: Choose this to make the submit form expand when a customer clicks to review.

3. Customize Form Colors

Background Color

Set the color for the background of the submit form.

Text Color

Choose a color for the text within the form.

Submit Button Color

Select a color for the background of the submit button.

Submit Button Text Color

Choose a color for the text on the submit button.

Validation Text Color

Set the color for any validation messages that appear (e.g., error messages).

Cancel Button Color

Choose a background color for the cancel button.

Cancel Button Text Color

Select a color for the text on the cancel button.

Remember to save your changes.

You're all set! Your review submission form now reflects your store's theme, making it a seamless part of the customer experience.

Last updated