Import reviews by product

Importing reviews by product helps build trust for your online store. With the Air Reviews app, you can easily import reviews from marketplace by product. This guide will show you how.

Who can use this feature?

This feature is available in all plans.

Currently, this feature supports merchants to collect AIiExpress product reviews only. We will update the app function to collect reviews from Amazon soon!

1. Access the Feature

In the left menu, select Collect reviews.

Click on Import reviews.

2. Find the product

In the Import reviews feature screen, look for the product you want to import reviews to.

You can utilize our search, filter, and sort button.

3. Fill the import information

Paste a suitable AliExpress/ Amazon product URL in the Import popup.

Click on "Customize settings for this product" to update the settings for importing.

You can click on "Use default import settings" or customize yourself.

You can also click at the option "Skip duplicated content". It is useful if want to collect reviews many times from 1 URL.

You can continue to import the remaining reviews from the last URL. Duplicate reviews will automatically be removed by our system.

Importing reviews is a great way to boost your store's credibility. Use the Air Reviews app to easily bring in reviews from AliExpress, Amazon, Shopee and customize them to fit your needs. Follow these steps to efficiently manage and display valuable customer insights.

Last updated